Uncategorized Archives - Brisket Smoke BBQ https://brisketsmoke.com/category/uncategorized/ Smoking and Grilling Meat Tue, 06 Jun 2023 03:42:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/brisketsmoke.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-cropped-Brisket-Smoke-Logo-1-2.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Uncategorized Archives - Brisket Smoke BBQ https://brisketsmoke.com/category/uncategorized/ 32 32 213923242 Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out https://brisketsmoke.com/smoker-insulation-blanket-causing-fire-in-smoker-to-go-out/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 03:42:56 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=164 I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

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I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years at this point, and smoke something 2-3 times per week. Dinner was delayed, and I was hungry and irritated. I was trying to figure out what went wrong. The only thing I had changed was that I had bought a smoker insulation blanket about 3 months earlier, when it was the middle of winter.

The smoker blanket had worked miracles for me during the winter. My smoker was running more consistent, efficient, and could get hotter than it ever could before that. In the winter. I love that thing. It was also the reason my smoker was going out now that things had warmed up.

Why Can’t You Use Your Smoker Blanket When Things Warm Up

The manufacturer’s recommendation against using a smoker blanket when temperatures exceed a certain threshold, such as 40 degrees Fahrenheit, may be due to several reasons:

  1. Heat retention: Smoker blankets are primarily designed to help insulate the smoker and prevent heat loss. In warmer temperatures, such as above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the smoker may naturally generate and retain sufficient heat without the need for additional insulation. Using a smoker blanket in such conditions could potentially cause the temperature to rise excessively and make it challenging to regulate the heat effectively.
  2. Airflow restriction: As mentioned earlier, pellet smokers rely on a balanced airflow to maintain proper combustion and heat distribution. When ambient temperatures are higher, the smoker may require increased airflow to prevent overheating. Using a smoker blanket in warmer conditions could impede the necessary airflow, leading to inefficient combustion and potentially causing the smoker to go out.
  3. Risk of damage: Some smoker blankets are made from materials that may not be suitable for use in high-temperature environments. Exposing these materials to excessive heat can lead to melting, deformation, or even a fire hazard. The manufacturer’s recommendation to avoid using the blanket above a certain temperature range could be to prevent damage to the blanket or any associated safety risks.

Why My Traeger Was Going Out

I don’t think my problem was restricted air flow. If that were the problem, it would have caused problems for me for the winter months as well. I think the problem for me was that the insulation blanket was doing too good of a job. It was retaining too much heat, so no more pellets would be fed, and the fire would go out. So what did I do? I took the blanket off and I haven’t had any trouble since.

That said, I’m still going to put that insulation blanket back on next winter. I only used about 1/3 as much pellets as I had been, it got hot and it stayed hot. I didn’t buy a brand name insulation blanket either. It was one of the cheapest ones on amazon, though I made sure it had decent reviews. I couldn’t be more pleased with how well it worked, and if it kept it so hot that it stopped feeding pellets in the spring, I guess that’s just a testament to it doing its job, so I can’t be mad. They come in a size that will fit most pellet smokers too, which was nice.

Stanbroil Insulation Blanket

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat https://brisketsmoke.com/how-to-remove-salt-from-smoked-meat/ Sun, 22 Jan 2023 23:14:50 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=141 Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

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Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too much salt during the smoking process, there are ways to fix it. In this article, we’ll explore several methods for how to remove salt from smoked meats, so you can enjoy the delicious smoky flavor without the excessive saltiness. From soaking and rinsing, to cooking with acidic or sweet ingredients, we’ll show you how to make your smoked meats taste just right.

Why Smoked Meat Can Taste Really Salty

Smoked meats can taste salty because salt is often used in the curing process to help preserve the meat and add flavor. This is generally done through a brining process. Meat is packed with salt, or submerged in a salt or salt/sugar water. Additionally, a rub or marinade containing salt may be applied to the meat before smoking. The smoking process can also enhance the saltiness of the meat due to the interaction of the smoke with the salt on the meat’s surface.

How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

There are several ways to remove salt from smoked meats:

  1. Scrape Off The Outside. Take a spoon and scrape off some of the seasonings. Salt has a tendency to sink into the meat, but this well remove some of the salt from the exterior.
  2. Trim off some or all of the outside. Salt can penetrate into the meat, but the majority of the salt will be at or near the surface of the meat. It makes me shudder to think of someone trimming and discarding a bark from a brisket or a roast, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. Taste as you trim so you don’t remove too much.
  3. Soak the meat in water: Place the meat in a bowl or pot and cover it with cold water. Allow it to soak for at least an hour, then drain and pat dry. This works for smoked meats you’re planning to then cook again, such as sausages, or smoked meats that are going to be fried, grilled, or cooked into other dishes.
  4. Rinse the meat: Rinse the meat thoroughly under cold running water. This can be done before or after cooking, but its preferable before. You should almost always rinse off meat that has been brined in saltwater. I’m much less in favor of rinsing cooked meats, but it can be done. This works best with meats that are going into soups and stews.
  5. Cook the meat with acidic ingredients: Add acidic ingredients such as lemon juice, vinegar, or tomato sauce to the meat while cooking. These ingredients can help to balance out the saltiness.
  6. Cook the meat with sweet ingredients: Add a sweet ingredient like brown sugar or honey to the meat while cooking. This will help to balance out the saltiness.
  7. Braise in a saltless sauce: I’ve mentioned the benefits of acid and sugars, but pretty much any sauce will help. braising in a reduction sauce of some kind, pulls some of the salt into the liquid. Obviously, don’t add any additional salt, and don’t use a salty broth. That defeats the purpose.
  8. Cook the meat with high water content ingredients: Adding vegetables like carrot, celery, or onion can help to reduce the saltiness.

It’s important to note that these methods may reduce the saltiness of the meat, but it may not completely remove all the salt from the smoked meat.

Why do People Use Salt when Smoking Meat?

Salt is used in smoking meat for several reasons:

  • Preservation: Salt is a natural preservative and helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria on the meat, thus increasing its shelf life.
  • Flavor: Salt is a natural flavor enhancer and helps to bring out the natural flavors of the meat.
  • Curing: Salt is used in a curing process for certain types of meats. The curing process helps to preserve the meat, improves its flavor and texture, and helps to prevent bacteria growth.
  • Seasoning: Salt is often used as a seasoning in rubs or marinades applied to the meat before smoking, which helps to enhance the overall flavor of the finished product.
  • Smokiness: Salt helps to create a specific type of smoke ring, which is a pinkish color on the surface of the meat that is formed from the interaction of smoke, heat and nitrogen in the meat, which can enhance the smokiness flavor.

It’s important to note that too much salt can make the meat taste overly salty, so it’s important to use the appropriate amount for the specific type of meat and smoking method.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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Brisket Puns https://brisketsmoke.com/brisket-puns/ Sat, 14 Jan 2023 06:48:59 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=8 I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to let the dad jokes roll. Here are some of my favorite brisket puns you can serve up as an appetizer while the meat is cooking.

Brisket Puns:

  • People say that smoking is bad for you, and they may be right, but if you’ve had my ribs or brisket, you’ll know that its worth dying for.
  • I tried one of those fancy new meal kits for dinner. What meal kit? Brisket.
  • Why didn’t the cow cross the road? He didn’t want to brisket
  • A man was considering doing a barbeque, but he didn’t have enough wood for the smoker, so he decided not to brisket.
  • Someone once offered to let me try some raw beef, but I declined. The steaks were too high and I didn’t want to brisket.
  • Why was the brisket feeling so down? Because it was feeling a little saucy.

Please, no more brisket puns!

Most brisket puns focus on the words Risk It inside of brisket. A widely underutilized route that dads, and other purveyors of the pun should appreciate is the simple Kit, or even This Kit that can be used as well.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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How Many Briskets Are On a Cow https://brisketsmoke.com/how-many-briskets-are-on-a-cow/ https://brisketsmoke.com/how-many-briskets-are-on-a-cow/#respond Sat, 14 Jan 2023 05:43:57 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=17 How Many Briskets Are On a Cow A cow typically has two briskets, one on the left side and one on the right side. These are located in the chest […]

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How Many Briskets Are On a Cow

A cow typically has two briskets, one on the left side and one on the right side. These are located in the chest area of the animal, below the front ribcage and above the forelegs. A brisket is made up of the pectoral muscles, which are used for movement and support, and a thick layer of fat which is used to protect the muscle during movement and provide flavor when cooked. The size of the brisket can vary depending on the breed of cow and its diet.

The Parts of a Brisket

A brisket is a cut of beef from the breast or lower chest of the animal. It is a large, tough cut of meat that is made up of several different parts.

  1. The flat cut: Also known as the “first cut” or “lean brisket,” it is a rectangular cut that is leaner and has less marbling. This cut is often used for slicing and is ideal for sandwiches, as it is leaner and can be sliced thin.
  2. The point cut: Also known as the “second cut” or “deckle,” it is located at the end of the flat cut and is fattier with more marbling. This cut is often used for pulled beef dishes and is ideal for dishes such as barbecue brisket, as it is more tender and flavorful.
  3. The point end: This part is located at the thickest end of the brisket, it is usually fattier and has more marbling than the flat cut. It’s used for dishes where the meat is going to be shredded, such as brisket tacos, barbecue sandwiches, and more.
  4. The navel end: This part is located at the opposite end of the point end, it’s leaner than the point end and less marbled, it’s ideal for dishes where you want to slice the meat, such as corned beef brisket.
  5. The fat cap: The fat cap is the layer of fat that covers the top of the brisket. It helps to protect the meat while cooking and provides flavor. It’s usually trimmed before cooking, but some people prefer to leave it on for added flavor and moisture.

Each of these parts of the brisket have different characteristics that make them suitable for different types of dishes and cooking methods, so it’s important to choose the right part of the brisket for your recipe and cooking method.

What’s a Full Packer Brisket

If you’re new to the brisket world, you may have also heard the term, full packer brisket. A full packer brisket is a whole brisket that includes both the flat cut and the point cut, as well as the fat cap and the other parts of the brisket. It is considered the most traditional cut of brisket and is often used for smoking and barbecue, and a cow has two of them.

Full packer brisket is typically 12 to 18 pounds in weight, and it can be quite large, making it ideal for feeding large groups of people or for catering events. It’s also known as a “whole brisket” as it has not been trimmed or separated in any way.

One of the benefits of a full packer brisket is that it allows you to experience the different characteristics and flavors of both the flat and point cuts, and because it includes the fat cap, it can provide more flavor and moisture to the meat.

Cooking a full packer brisket can take longer than cooking just the flat or point cuts, but it can also be a more rewarding experience because it allows you to get creative with different flavors and cooking methods, and it also allows you to have more options for leftovers.

It’s important to note that a full packer brisket requires a large smoker or cooker and a longer cooking time, but the end result can be a delicious and tender brisket with a balance of lean and fatty meat, that can be sliced or pulled for different types of dishes.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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Where is the Brisket on a Deer https://brisketsmoke.com/where-is-the-brisket-on-a-deer/ https://brisketsmoke.com/where-is-the-brisket-on-a-deer/#respond Sat, 14 Jan 2023 04:31:10 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=14 Where is the Brisket On a Deer The brisket on a deer, also known as the chest or breast, is located on the front of the animal’s body between the […]

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Where is the Brisket On a Deer

The brisket on a deer, also known as the chest or breast, is located on the front of the animal’s body between the forelegs. It is a large muscle group that is used for movement and is located near the front of the animal, just behind the shoulders. It’s very possible that you’ve thrown this in the grind pile, or even thrown away this cut without even realizing it.

Deer is not commonly used to make brisket, as it’s not a traditional cut of meat and it may be gamey in taste. However, it can be used in a similar way as beef brisket, but it would be important to be aware of the differences in taste, texture and size. I would say that you’d probably have more luck in braising a venison brisket rather than smoking it. The meat is incredibly lean and thin, and you’ll dry it out easily.

The size and thickness of the brisket on a deer may vary depending on the age, sex, and size of the animal, so it’s important to adjust cooking time and temperature accordingly. Additionally, it’s important to note that wild game meat should always be handled and cooked properly to avoid bacterial contamination.

What Does Deer Brisket Taste Like

Deer brisket is not a commonly used cut of meat, and opinions on its taste can vary. Some people may find it to be flavorful and tender, while others may find it to be tough and gamey. I wouldn’t compare it to beef brisket by any means. I’d say that it reminds me most of a deer neck roast. Cooked low and slow, you can have a tasty dish. It may be leaner and gamey. So, it’s best to adjust your cooking methods accordingly and season it with spices and herbs that can complement the meat and mask the gamey taste. It’s best to work with the flavors of venison instead of trying to mask or hide it.

The taste of deer brisket can be affected by a number of factors, including the age, sex, and diet of the animal, as well as the cooking method used. As with any wild game meat, it’s important to handle and cook it properly to avoid bacterial contamination.

In general, it’s best to cook deer brisket using a low and slow method, such as smoking or braising, to help break down the connective tissue and make the meat more tender.

Can You Eat Venison Fat?

Deer fat, like any other animal fat, can be eaten but it is important to keep in mind that it may have a different taste and texture than the fat from domesticated animals. Some people enjoy the taste of deer fat while others may find it too strong or gamey.

Deer fat can be rendered and used for cooking, such as frying or baking. It can also be used to make tallow, which is a versatile fat that can be used for cooking, baking, and even soap making.

Overall, it’s a matter of personal preference. If you like the taste of deer fat, you can use it for cooking, but if you find it too strong or gamey, it’s best to avoid it. Most people don’t like it. It doesn’t taste like beef or bison fat. I personally find it to be more waxy. I like to trim pretty much all of the fat off of my venison brisket (and every other cut) before using.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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Resting Brisket in Butcher Paper https://brisketsmoke.com/resting-brisket-in-butcher-paper/ Sat, 14 Jan 2023 00:28:46 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=19 Cooking and resting a brisket in butcher paper, also known as the “Texas Crutch,” is a popular method used by pitmasters to help speed up the cooking process and keep […]

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Cooking and resting a brisket in butcher paper, also known as the “Texas Crutch,” is a popular method used by pitmasters to help speed up the cooking process and keep the meat moist. The butcher paper allows the meat to breathe while still trapping in moisture, which can help to keep the brisket from drying out. This method can also help to create a more tender and flavorful final product. However, it’s best to experiment with both resting in butcher paper and not to see which yields the best results for your desired taste and texture.

Resting Your Brisket in Butcher Paper

After cooking a brisket, it’s important to let it rest for a period of time before slicing and serving. This allows the meat to reabsorb its juices, making it more tender and flavorful. The recommended time for resting a brisket can vary, but generally, it’s best to let it rest for at least 30 minutes and up to 2 hours, depending on the size of the brisket.

It’s important to keep in mind that the larger the brisket, the longer it will take to cool down and the longer it should rest. Also, if the brisket is wrapped in butcher paper or foil during the cooking process, it should be left wrapped during the resting period to help retain heat and moisture. To keep the brisket at the optimal temperature and moist, you can place it in a cooler with some towels or blanket on top.

It’s also important to note that if you slice the brisket too soon, the juices will run out and the meat will dry out quickly, so it’s best to be patient and let it rest properly.

When resting a brisket in butcher paper, it’s best to use a food-grade, unbleached butcher paper that is safe for use with meat. Some popular brands include Southern Champion, Georgia-Pacific, and SteakSaver. I’ve recently picked up this Pink Kraft paper from Amazon, because it was the cheapest and I wanted to give it a whirl. It’s all I use now. One roll will last most people a long time.

Pink Kraft Peach Butcher Paper

It’s important to note that there are two types of butcher paper available: uncoated and coated. Uncoated butcher paper is a more traditional option, which is generally considered to be safe for use with meat. Coated butcher paper, on the other hand, has a wax or a silicone coating on one side, which can create a barrier that keeps meat from breathing too much. It does allow some humidity and smoke in and out of the paper, which helps with the process. I prefer it to aluminum foil for brisket. It’s best to avoid using coated butcher paper when resting a brisket, as it can interfere with the cooking process and produce a less desirable final product.

What is Peach Paper

Peach paper, also known as peach butcher paper, is a type of butcher paper that is specifically designed for use with meats such as brisket. It is named for its characteristic peach color, which is said to help enhance the color of the meat, though I haven’t ever noticed a difference in color. Peach paper is a food-grade, uncoated butcher paper that is safe for use with meat.

Some pitmasters prefer to use peach paper because it is said to help create a better bark on the brisket, which is the flavorful crust that forms on the outside of the meat during cooking. Additionally, it is thought to help lock in the meat’s natural juices, resulting in a more tender and flavorful final product.

It’s important to note that this is a matter of preference. Other pitmasters may have different opinions on the use of peach paper. It’s best to experiment with both peach paper and uncoated white butcher paper to see which yields the best results for your desired taste and texture. Texas style is with peach paper though.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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The post Resting Brisket in Butcher Paper appeared first on Brisket Smoke BBQ.

How Long for Brisket to Reach 165 https://brisketsmoke.com/how-long-for-brisket-to-reach-165/ Fri, 13 Jan 2023 21:46:01 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=21 Maybe you don’t have a meat thermometer, or maybe you’re trying to time your cook so that you can get a little bit of sleep, or just want to know […]

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Maybe you don’t have a meat thermometer, or maybe you’re trying to time your cook so that you can get a little bit of sleep, or just want to know when you’ll need to do certain steps. Either way, its really helpful to know long it takes for a brisket to reach 165 degrees, which is generally the temperature people wrap or cover a brisket.

The time it takes to reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees when smoking a brisket can vary depending on a number of factors such as the size and thickness of the brisket, the temperature of the smoker, and the desired level of doneness. On average, it can take anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours per pound at 225-250 degrees Fahrenheit to be done, and 165 is generally reached about halfway through that. . It’s important to use a meat thermometer to ensure that the brisket has reached the desired internal temperature before consuming.

There are a few factors you need to consider: Is it a whole brisket? Or is it just the flat or point? A flat will generally cook faster than a point. Is it a big brisket? There are a lot of factors to consider, and you’ll want to take all of them into consideration, especially if your brisket is cooking faster than expected.

Factors that Determine How Long It’ll Take to Cook a Brisket

  • Size of the brisket
  • Is it a whole brisket, or just the flat or point?
  • Temperature of the cook
  • Humidity
  • Type of wood
  • Other Factors

It also depends on the temperature of your smoker or oven. I recommend that a brisket cook between 225 and 275. Unless I’m in a hurry (which you shouldn’t be with a brisket), I try to cook at 225.

The short answer is that for me, cooking at 225, I usually get to 165 in 5-10 hours, with the average time being 7 hours. If I had an average brisket and I didn’t have a meat thermometer, I’d go 7 hours, see if I like how the bark is looking, then wrap it up and go another 6-8 hours. Honestly, you NEED that thermometer though. It’s how you know you’re doing it right. It’s how you take that brisket from good to great.

I run a grilling website, so I’ve got a few meat thermometers. My favorite is the Meater Plus. The Meater Plus is a wireless WIFI meat thermometer. It connects to an app on your phone and allows you to track the temp anywhere you’re at. I’ve literally monitored meat from my job. This isn’t the very best meat thermometer on the market, but its the equivalent of the Toyota Corolla of meat thermometers in my mind. It’s reliable, the app is reliable, its simple, and it just plain works.

Meater Plus

About Brisket

Brisket is a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest of beef or veal. The cut is a tough, fatty, fibrous muscle that uses a great deal of oxygen during muscle contraction, making it ideal for slow-cooked barbecued meat. Brisket is one of the tougher cuts of meat, so it requires long, slow cooking at low temperatures to tenderize the connective tissue. It is a cut that is growing in popularity with the rise of the pellet smoker grill.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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Smoking a Brisket in High Humidity https://brisketsmoke.com/smoking-a-brisket-in-high-humidity/ Fri, 13 Jan 2023 19:52:18 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=100 If you’re about to try smoking a brisket in high humidity for the first time, there are a few things you should know. Humidity can certainly change how your brisket […]

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If you’re about to try smoking a brisket in high humidity for the first time, there are a few things you should know. Humidity can certainly change how your brisket will cook, and how it will interact with the smoke. If you’re proactive and on top of things, humidity can be your best friend. If you don’t know what you’re doing, humidity can lead to disaster.

How Can Humidity Affect Smoking a Brisket

Humidity can affect the cooking time of a brisket in a few ways:

  1. Moisture loss: Low humidity can cause the brisket to dry out more quickly, which can result in a shorter cooking time. High humidity, on the other hand, can help to keep the brisket moist, which can prolong the cooking time.
  2. Temperature control: Humidity can also affect the temperature inside the smoker. High humidity can make it more difficult to maintain a consistent temperature, which can prolong the cooking time. Low humidity, on the other hand, can make it easier to maintain a consistent temperature, which can shorten the cooking time.
  3. Smoke absorption: Humidity can also affect the amount of smoke that the meat absorbs. High humidity can cause the smoke to condense and stick to the meat, which can result in a stronger smoky flavor. Low humidity can cause the smoke to dissipate more quickly, which can result in less smoke flavor.
  4. Smoke ring: Humidity can also affect the development of the “smoke ring” which is a pinkish-red color that surrounds the outer layer of the meat. High humidity can cause the smoke ring to be less pronounced while low humidity will cause it to be more pronounced.
  5. Wood Pellets: If you’re using a pellet smoker, high humidity or moisture can lead to your pellets turning to sawdust. Moisture causes wood pellets to degrade. Be sure to check on them before you start to make sure they’re in good shape, otherwise you’ll be left with a pulpy mess and a clogged up auger.

Maintaining Consistent Humidity In Your Smoker

It’s important to maintain a consistent humidity level inside the smoker to ensure the best results. A humidity level between 60-70% is considered optimal. A water pan can be used to help maintain the humidity level, and adjusting the vents on the smoker can also help control the humidity level.

Monitor the internal temperature of the brisket, maintain a consistent temperature inside the smoker, and make adjustments as needed to ensure the best results. A meat thermometer and a hygrometer (to measure humidity) are key tools to have when smoking a brisket.

Hygrometer and Meat Thermometer

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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Why Is My Brisket Cooking So Fast https://brisketsmoke.com/why-is-my-brisket-cooking-so-fast/ Fri, 13 Jan 2023 19:21:02 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=5 My fastest brisket was done in 8 hours, and my slowest one was 25 hours. These were cooked at the same temperature, on the same smoker. They were similar sized, […]

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My fastest brisket was done in 8 hours, and my slowest one was 25 hours. These were cooked at the same temperature, on the same smoker. They were similar sized, bought from the same store, and were cooked in the same way. The 8 hour one shocked me, and I was left wondering, why is my brisket cooking so fast?

Factors for Why Your Brisket Might Be Cooking Faster Than Expected

There are several reasons why your brisket might be cooking faster than expected:

  1. The size of the brisket: Smaller briskets will cook faster than larger ones.
  2. The temperature of your smoker: Cooking at higher temperatures will cause the brisket to cook faster.
  3. The thickness of the brisket: If the brisket is thinner it will cook faster than a thicker one.
  4. The type of wood used for smoking: Some types of wood will add more heat to the smoker than others, causing the brisket to cook faster.
  5. The location of the brisket in the smoker: The brisket will cook faster if it is closer to the heat source.
  6. The humidity level of the smoker : Low humidity levels can cause the brisket to dry out which can cause it to cook faster.

To slow the cooking process you can reduce the temperature of your smoker or increase the humidity level. It’s important to use a meat thermometer to ensure that the brisket has reached the desired internal temperature before consuming.

I run a grilling website, so I’ve got a few meat thermometers. My favorite is the Meater Plus. The Meater Plus is a wireless WIFI meat thermometer. It connects to an app on your phone and allows you to track the temp anywhere you’re at. I’ve literally monitored meat from my job. This isn’t the very best meat thermometer on the market, but its the equivalent of the Toyota Corolla of meat thermometers in my mind. It’s reliable, the app is reliable, its simple, and it just plain works.

Meater Plus

Size of the Brisket

The size of a brisket can vary depending on the breed of cow, genetics, and diet. Some breeds of cows such as the Brahman, Charolais, and Limousin are known to have larger briskets than other breeds. However, it’s not just the size, but also the marbling that affects the quality of the brisket, a good marbling will provide a juicier and flavorful meat. Brisket size can also be affected by the age of the cow and the time it was fed, as a cow that’s been fed for a longer period of time will have a larger brisket than a cow that’s been fed for a shorter period of time.

About Brisket

Brisket is a cut of beef from the breast or lower chest of the animal. It is a large, tough cut of meat that requires slow cooking methods. Such methods include smoking, braising, or slow roasting to break down the connective tissue and make it tender.

There are two main types of brisket: the flat cut and the point cut. The flat cut, also known as the “first cut” or “lean brisket,” is a rectangular cut that is leaner and has less marbling. The point cut, also known as the “second cut” or “deckle,” is located at the end of the flat cut and is fattier with more marbling.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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The post Why Is My Brisket Cooking So Fast appeared first on Brisket Smoke BBQ.

Best Degreaser for Traeger Smoker Grills https://brisketsmoke.com/best-degreaser-for-traeger-smoker-grills/ Thu, 12 Jan 2023 20:10:26 +0000 https://brisketsmoke.com/?p=80 My Traeger was greasy. It got so bad that every time I ran my smoker, black grease was dripping off the lid, the chimney, and pretty much anywhere it could, […]

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My Traeger was greasy. It got so bad that every time I ran my smoker, black grease was dripping off the lid, the chimney, and pretty much anywhere it could, and it was getting all over my deck. It was bad. It needed a degreaser in a bad way. I’d never taken on the job, and it was about 2 years overdue, so there was plenty of grease for experimentation. That’s a nice way of saying- I spent several hours over a few days and got really frustrated trying a lot of things that didn’t work. Through all of this, I found the best degreaser for the job, and I got my Traeger almost factory clean.

The Best Degreaser for Traeger Pellet Smokers

Traeger’s own cleaner was the best. I’m not a big Traeger fan boy. I like a lot of their products, but I try and experiment with a lot of things. Traeger’s All Natural Cleaner is the best degreaser for my Traeger I have used. I’m not sponsored by them, it just works. I was trying to be careful, and not get too many harmful chemicals in my smoker, but you want to still get the thing cleaned. I got both with this. 

Traeger’s All Natural Cleaner is citrus based. I wouldn’t want to try making lemon chicken with it, but it’s not dangerous like a lot of the other degreasers on the market. Now, if you’ve tried and had trouble cleaning your smoker before, you might be ready to throw in the trowel and blast it with every chemical under the sun. I’ve been there. My experimenting and cleaning was incredibly frustrating. It’s still a dirty job, but this one works.

Traeger’s All Natural Cleaner

Traeger All Natural Cleaner and Degreaser

Best Budget Degreaser for Traeger or Other Grill or Smoker

Citrusafe is also good, and is much cheaper. It’s got good reviews, and is the go-to cheap version of the Traeger product. I found the Traeger one to work a bit better. I hate cleaning that smoker, so speed is a priority for me. Citrusafe works though, and costs less than Traeger’s Cleaner. You just might need to scrub a bit more with it. They advertise themselves as being “the first” and “the best” but I feel like half the cleaners on the market do. Who cares if you were first? And they might be good, but I liked Traeger a bit better.

CitruSafe Grill and Grate Cleaner Spray

CitruSafe Grill, Smoker, and Grate Cleaner Spray

Degreasers to Avoid

You want to avoid cleaners that have a lot of toxic chemicals. You know how different woods give different flavors to meat? I don’t want to find out the flavor of smoke that comes from some of these nasty chemicals, let alone find out just how toxic it is. I get it, these chemicals work, but you don’t need to get your smoker sparkling clean like an oven. You just need to clear the grease out and make sure it stays functional.

Easy Off for Grills and Smokers- I don’t recommend. You can’t use this on aluminum, painted solutions, and contains monoethanolamine and diethylene glycol n-butyl ether. I’m no hippy, but I don’t want all those chemicals seasoning my steak. Don’t get me wrong, it is effective at getting the caked on hard grease and grime off, but then you’d want to clean your Traeger out VERY well. 

The easy off you just spray, wait 10-45 minutes, then wipe it away. I prefer to use Easy Off in an oven. It works great, and then you can turn the heat up in the oven and burn away the chemicals. Additionally, the food in an oven doesn’t sit right on the grill rack. It does in your Traeger. 

Can You Use Dish Soap To Degrease

The first thing I tried when I started trying to put a dent in the grease was dawn dish soap. I had seen their commercials of cleaning off baby ducks after oil spills, and thought- metal has to be easier to clean off than ducks. Nope. It cut through a bit of grease, but dish soap is not a degreaser. Given a few days of solid scrubbing, I probably could have made it work, but I don’t recommend it.

Can’t I Just Hose or Power Wash Out My Smoker?

Modern pellet smoker grills are electronic devices. If you want to risk shorting stuff out, soaking and turning your pellets to sawdust, and ruining your machine, you go for it. It’ll still leave globs of grease. You might could get away with it on the grate, but the main body of the smoker, the grease doesn’t have anywhere to go. You’ll be left with a nasty mess, and maybe a ruined Traeger.

How Often Should You Degrease Your Traeger?

I degrease at least when I vacuum out the ash and debris, which I do every time I start a new bag of pellets. If you’ve just cooked something especially greasy or fatty, you may want to do it sooner. I find that if I’m cooking a fatty meat at a higher heat, I get more grease spread throughout the Traeger.

  • Smoker Insulation Blanket Causing Fire in Smoker to Go Out

    I was smoking a tri-tip and for the second time in about 2 weeks, my smoker went out. This wasn’t normal. I had owned my Traeger for about 3 years […]

  • How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    How to Remove Salt from Smoked Meat

    Smoked meats are a delicious delicacy that many people enjoy, but sometimes the saltiness can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve purchased pre-smoked meat that’s too salty, or you’ve accidentally added too […]

  • Brisket Puns

    Brisket Puns

    I smoke meat and tell dumb jokes. It’s kind of my thing. If you’ve got a some meat on the smoker, you’ve probably got several hours of good opportunities to […]

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The post Best Degreaser for Traeger Smoker Grills appeared first on Brisket Smoke BBQ.
